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Viola Herbs Membership Agreement

Thank you for being here and for your consideration of membership in the Viola Herbs healing and educational community. We are a private association that requires members to join us in a non-public space, follow our community guidelines, and honor our agreements.


Membership is free and continues for the duration of our mission, unless either party decides to cancel the agreement.


Members receive access to our online and live plant medicine sales and shops. Please read the following agreement. By applying for membership, you acknowledge that you have read and agree with our community guidelines.




- I acknowledge that I am applying for membership in a private association for the purposes of mutual benefit including, but not limited to, exchange of educational information and herbal remedies.


- I acknowledge that all exchanges take place in the private and that any issues that may arise will be dealt with privately.


- I agree to take total responsibility for any and all of my choices, including my choices to take certain herbs or to follow anyone's advice. I agree that it is my responsibility to know about what is right for my body and my unique circumstances.


- I agree to take responsibility for my own education, health, and well-being. If I have a problem with something, I will do my best to communicate that clearly to Tatiana and DK so that they can effectively assist me in resolving the issue.


- I acknowledge that Viola Herbs, Tatiana Sakurai, and DK Brainard are here to help, but cannot do the work for me.


- I know that if I do not honor my agreements, I may lose my membership and the benefits attached to it.

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